Medical Quiz

Cell Theory and Cellular Structure Quiz

What is the primary component of the cell membrane?

A. Nucleic acids

B. Proteins

C. Phospholipids

D. Carbohydrates

Select your answer:


Health - Nutrition Weight Management Warm up Diabetes Pathophysiology Children Well-being Hazards & Risks Vocabulary - Health Movement Cholera Respiratory and Urinary Chest, Back, Abs Macromolecules Hormones Carbohydrates and Proteins The Blood

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Which of the following is a pyrimidine found in DNA?

A. Adenine

B. Guanine

C. Cytosine

D. Uracil

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What is the optimal pH for pepsin, an enzyme in the stomach?

A. Neutral pH levels

B. Basic pH levels

C. High pH levels

D. Acidic pH levels