Medical Quiz

Microbiology Quiz

What is the term for bacteria that can multiply with or without oxygen?

A. Salmonella

B. Facultative anaerobes

C. Anaerobes

D. Aerobes

Select your answer:


Cellular Respiration Anxiety Disorders Blood Formation and Clotting Carbohydrates, Proteins and Lipids Urinary Hematology / Oncology Hematology Neuron Structure Skeleton and Muscles BMI, Body Composition and Body Types Health and Disease Renal Pharmacology Breathing ...Respiration Anatomy and Physiology Health-Wellness-Illness

Other quiz:

Microbiology › View

Specific immunity provides long-lasting protection through the production of _____.

A. antibodies

B. Memory Cells

C. plasma cells

D. T helper cells

EMS Systems › View

Which one of the following receives the highest level of training in an EMS system?

A. Emergency Medical Responder

B. Emergency Medical Technician

C. Advanced Emergency Medical Technician

D. Paramedic