Medical Quiz

Biotechnology Quiz

What is biotechnology?

A. The study of rocks and minerals

B. The application of technology to living organisms

C. The study of outer space

D. The study of ancient civilizations

Select your answer:


Lipid Metabolism Biomedical Bacteria Structure Foot Orthosis Vocab Patho_Genetics Cell Cycle; Cancer Germs Pathology Endocrine Haematology Facial & Dental Injuries Body Structures and Organ Systems Blood Cells Muscle pathophysiology Urinary System and Fluid Balance Medical Microbiology

Other quiz:

The Cell › View

There are populations of cells within organisms that retain their ability to divide and differentiate into various cell types.
What is the name of these types of cells?

A. Blood cells

B. Muscle cell

C. Stem cell

D. Nerve cell

Chemistry › View

The study of living things; also known as life science

A. endocrinology

B. microbiology

C. biology

D. chemistry