Medical Quiz

Cellular Respiration Quiz

If ADP is phosphorylated then what is this indicating in the reaction? 

A. ADP is forming into ATP

B. ADP is becoming AMP

C. ADP is being used to power other reactions

D. ADP is being created by the reaction

Select your answer:


Healthy Living Molecular Basis of Inheritance Tenses Metabolism Pulmonology Forensics Terms Respiration, Immune System, Blood Cells Brain, Neurons and The Nervous System T Cells Urinary System and Fluid Balance EMR - Trauma Nutrition and Biochemistry Vocabulary Thyroid Disease Living Organisms Deficiency Disease

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A person with swollen gums rinses his mouth with warm salt water, and the swelling decreases. Which of the following has occurred?

A. The swollen gums have absorbed the saltwater solution.

B. The saltwater solution lowers the temperature of the water in the gums.

C. The salt in the solution has moved against the concentration gradient.

D. The water in the gums has moved out due to the high concentration of salt in the solution. 

Vocabulary - Health › View

He has had to surmount immense disabilities.

A. severe

B. uncomfortable

C. physical

D. mental