★ Sensory System Key Terms Quiz
Surgical removal of all or part of the stapes of the middle ear, followed by replacement with a prosthesis.
A. Stapedectomy
B. Myringotomy
C. Rhinitis
D. None of the above.
Select your answer:

Endocrine System Terms Cell Hospital Departments Genes, Genomes & Alleles Nervous System Dentistry Bacteria, Viruses, Protozoa Fungi Parathyroid Gland Perioperative Nursing Care MS Neurology Medical, Legal, and Ethical Issues Respiratory and Urinary Skeleton Aerobic- Cardio Respiratory Endurance Diseases Communicable or non CommunicableOther quiz:
Hematology › ViewPrimary hemostasis is associated with all of the following except:
A. coagulation proteins
B. vascular intima
C. platelets
D. none of the above
Trauma › View
Most cases of external bleeding can be controlled by:
A. applying direct pressure
B. using a tourniquet
C. securing a pressure bandage
D. applying a clotting agent