A visual impairment that interferes with the ability to perform daily activities and in which the primary channel of learning is through the use of prescription and nonprescription devices is:
A. Deaf-Blind
B. Low Vision
C. Functionally Blind
D. Legally Blind
Select your answer:
Health Systems Oxygenation Joints in our Body General Anatomy Bone, Spine, and Joint Pathology Head and Neck Anatomy The Blood Nephrology (Hemodialysis) Entomology Ears Asexual Reproduction Musculoskeletal Disabilities Body Systems SkullOther quiz:
Pathophysiology › ViewDisordered growth and maturation of cells is called _____.
A. metaplasia
B. dysplasia
C. apoptosis
D. atrophy
Human Body › View
What are biceps and triceps?
A. long muscles in the lower arms
B. long muscles in the upper arms
C. long muscles in the upper legs
D. long muscles in the lower legs