Medical Quiz

Immunology: T cell Development Quiz


Progenitor cells are not committed to the T lineage when they enter the thymus.



Which of the two lineages make the majority of T cells?

A. aB

B. yG

If the TCR binds strongly to MHC class I or II molecules then ___

A. the T cell survives

B. the T cell dies

Where do T cells develop?

A. bone marrow

B. thymus

The thymus and the proportion of T cells it produces increases with age.



Where do T cells go through selection and education processes?

A. bone marrow

B. thymus

T lymphocytes derive from the common myeloid progenitor



The first gene rearrangement in the double negative stage is of the ___ chain

A. beta chain

B. alpha chain

Thymic cells that produce growth factors and ligands that contribute to T cell development.

A. progenitor cells

B. stromal cells

When the beta chain is produced, is forms a complex with ___

A. CD4

B. CD3

Thymocytes that lack the TCR but beginning to rearrange their TCR genes

A. double negative thymocytes

B. double positive

Notch 1- means the progenitor becomes a

A. T cell

B. B cell

Once the complete T cell receptor is formed then the cell expresses

A. CD4

B. CD8

C. CD4 and CD8

Early T cell precursor development occurs in the ___

A. bone marrow

B. thymus

Growth factor that is secreted by thymic stromal cells

A. IL 7

B. IL8


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