Medical Quiz

Virus and Bacteria Quiz

What are the sticky string-like projections that bacteria use to cling to surfaces?

A. Pili

B. Tail Fibers

C. Flagella

Select your answer:


Biochemistry Lab Microbiology and Immunology Biodiversity Conservation Nutrition Lipid Cardiovascular System Anatomy Cell Cycle; Cancer Blood Biology for Engineers Food Microbiology Muscular System NCHSE Bacteria & Disease Tutor Oral Biology Gastroenterology Respiratory System 5 Major Food Groups

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Serology/Blood Typing › View

What is clumping of Red Blood Cells Called?

A. Agglutination

B. Antibody

C. Antigen

D. Antigen

Circulatory System › View

It is contained in the heart and the blood vessels of the circulatory system ?

A. blood

B. lymph

C. tissue fluid