Medical Quiz

Cardiology Quiz

Your patient is complaining of chest pain and presents with the ECG shown. BP 128/74, P 90, RR 24 non-labored, SpO2 92% on room air. What is the appropriate treatment?

A. Administer supplemental oxygen, aspirin, and perform a right sided ECG
B. Administer supplemental oxyen, aspirin, nitroglycerin and perform a right sided ECG

C. Administer aspirin, nitro and perform right sided ECG

D. Administer supplemental oxygen and perform right sided ECG

Select your answer:


Skin Growth ICU Weight Management Immunity and Vaccines Cell Structure and Function Concept Muscle Tissues Nervous / Sensory System Vital Signs Infection Control Bacteriology Cardiopulmonary Biochemistry Lab Blood types and Blood Components Pathophysiology - Adaptive Immunity Anatomy - Muscle Histology/NMJ/Physiology

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Which type of dementia is MOST common?

A. Alzheimer’s Disease

B. Vascular Dementia

C. Dementia with Lewy Bodies

D. Frontotemporal Dementia

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T/F Over-the-counter drugs are approved for human use only by the FDA