Medical Quiz

Muscle Anatomy Quiz

Which of the following puts the structures of the muscle in order from largest to smallest?

A. Whole muscle, muscle fiber, actin & myosin, myofibril, muscle fasicle

B. Whole muscle, muscle fasicle, muscle fiber, myofibril, actin & myosin

C. Whole muscle, muscle fiber, muscle fasicle, myofibril, actin & myosin

D. Whole muscle, muscle fasicle, muscle fiber, actin & myosin, myofibril

Select your answer:


Eye Physiology Skeletal Muscle Anatomy Thrombosis, Emboliya Parts of the Brain Heart Anatomy Carbohydrates / Fat-soluble Vitamins EMR Pathophysiology Communicable Diseases and Immune Response (OCR) Histology - Tissues Pulmonary System Bacteria, Viruses, Protozoa Fungi Skeleton Anatomy Respiratory System Vocabulary Safety Terms

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The functional unit that makes up compact bone is called the

A. Osteon

B. Trabeculae

C. Central Canal

D. Osteocyte

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Antibiotics do not work on 

A. bacteria

B. viruses

C. fungi

D. children