★ Muscles and Movements Quiz
When actin is pulled past the myosin filament the..
A. Sarcomere shortens
B. Muscle shortens
C. Z line shortens
D. All of the above
Select your answer:
Plant Biotechnology Fat Vitamins and Minerals Cellular Respiration Pathology - Cellular Injury Health and Wellness Animal Genetics and Nutrition Vision and Hearing Defects Hearing Impairment Healthcare Delivery Systems and Insurance Germs & Diseases Orthopaedic Neurology Lymphatic System Anatomy - Cellular Respiration Biological MoleculesOther quiz:
Transportation › ViewVascular tissue that transports water and minerals UPWARDS from a plant’s roots is know as ______.
A. Chlorophyll
B. Phloem
C. Stomata
D. Xylem
Biochemistry of Diabetes › View
Which type of diabetes mellitus have the destruction of beta cells that usually starts early in life
A. 1
B. 2