Medical Quiz

Cardiovascular Physiology - Function Quiz

The _______ is directly affected by the exact volume of blood that returns to the right atrium.

A. Postload

B. Preload

C. Afterload

D. Middleload

Select your answer:


Skeleton and Muscles Endodontic Surgery Degeneration Pathology Laboratory Careers Eye and Ear Physio Intro Practice Carbohydrates History of Immunology Microrganisms Cardiovascular Adaptation Refresher CVA Cosmetology Diabetes Pathophysiology Body Fluids & Circulation Adaptive Immune System

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Which is not an early sign and symptom of asthma?

A. coughing

B. breathing through their nose

C. telling you they had a hard time sleeping last night

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_______________ have multiple double bonds in their structure.

A. monounsaturated fatty acids

B. Omega- 6

C. Omega-3

D. Polyunsaturated fatty acids

E. saturated fatty acids