Medical Quiz

Urinary System Quiz

A disease that has a sudden and perhaps severe onset, is not long term, and can usually be treated is considered a _______ Condition

A. Acute

B. Chronic

C. Osetopathic

D. Nosocomial

Select your answer:


Vocabulary - Health Heart Medical Terminology Gastroinestinal Gastroenterology Pediatric Cardiology Digestion and Microbes Lipids Asthma First Aid Asexual/Sexual Reproduction Cell Membrane and Transport Blood Typing Immunity in Humans Living Organisms Physical Pharmacy Dental Caries

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What do people wear more than ever during this COVID-19 outbreak?

A. hat

B. coat

C. mask

D. tissue

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What is the main difference between plant and animal cells?

A. Animal cells have a cell wall, while plant cells do not.

B. Plant cells have chloroplasts, while animal cells do not.

C. Animal cells contain mitochondria, while plant cells do not.

D. Plant cells have a nucleus, while animal cells do not.