Medical Quiz

Urinary System Quiz

Genetic disorder with recurrent hematuria and deafness

A. Alport’s syndrome

B. Goodpasteur’s syndrome

C. Diabetic nephropathy

D. Amyloidosis

Select your answer:


Pathology of Respiratory System Epidemiology Bio Cells Muscles Breathing ...Respiration Vocabulary - Health Medicinal use of Microorganisims Vet Terminology CPR Nutrition Lipid Corona Pathophysiology_Endocrine Blood Typing Energy and Metabolism Excretory and Musculoskeletal System

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Major Internal Organs of the Body › View

It is approximately 7 meters long and approximately 2.5 to 2.8 cm in diameter in an adult human for final digestion.

A. large intestine

B. small intestine

C. liver

D. kidneys

Environment › View

Taj Mahal is threatened due to

A. Sulphur dioxide

B. Carbon dioxide

C. Carbon monoxide

D. Water vapour