★ HHB Immunology Quiz
substance released by mast cells that causes the inflammatory response
A. histamine
B. antigen
C. secondary immune response
D. inflammatory response
Select your answer:
Economic importance of Bacteria Life Processes - Digestion and Respiration Macro and Micro Nutrients Coronary Heart Diseases Viruses and Prions Biological Molecules and Enzymes Human Body Systems Human Health Macromolecules & Nutrients Hospital Unit Cardiovascular Pathophysiology Skull Body Systems and Medical Sciences Mental Health BacteriologyOther quiz:
Hematology › ViewTransit time from myeloblast through myelocyte has been estimated to be roughly
A. 6 days
B. 3 days
C. 24 hours
D. 12 hours
Dementia › View
What is cortical atrophy?
A. Neuronal death/loss
B. neurogenesis
C. myelination
D. synapse formation