Medical Quiz

Division of Microbiology Quiz

Study of bacteria is called Bacteriology.



Select your answer:


Bacterial Growth and Culturing Conditions Entomology Dentistry Vaccines Biotherapeutics & Cellular Meat Components of Food Diseases Communicable or non Communicable Anatomy: Muscle Muscular System Facial & Dental Injuries Mitosis Parkinson Disease Medicinal use of Microorganisims Motor Neuron Disease Epithelial Tissue Weight Management

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Where does the heart get its oxygen?

A. lungs

B. pulmonary veins

C. pullmonary arteries

D. aorta

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Why is the brain compared to a living computer?

A. The brain is compared to a living computer because it processes information, stores data, and executes tasks using networks of neurons.

B. The brain is a computer made of silicon.

C. The brain only functions when awake, unlike a computer.

D. The brain cannot learn new information like a computer.