Which of the following is NOT part of the brain?
A. cerebrum
B. atrium
C. cerebellum
D. brain stem
Select your answer:
Cancer & Cell Cycle Paeds Edema Viruses and Prions Musculoskeletal Injuries Neuron Structure Bone, Spine, and Joint Pathology Health and Wellness Cells and Organ Systems Enzymes and Digestion Mutations Properties of Hair and Scalp Body Systems & Anatomical Terms Medical Vocabulary Diseases Connective TissueOther quiz:
Pulmonology › ViewThe paranasal sinuses, together with other structures of the upper respiratory tract,
A. are where a small percentage of gas exchange occurs.
B. form part of the respiratory membrane.
C. are involved in filtering, warming, and humidifying incoming air..
D. provide a large area for gas exchange between air and circulating blood.
E. are lined by a delicate simple squamous epithelium.
Arteries › View
Supply the lungs with oxygen-poor blood.
A. Intercostal arteries
B. Bronchial arteries
C. Aorta
D. Abdominal aorta