Medical Quiz

Bacteriology Quiz

Lice and mites cause what type of disease?

A. Pathogenic

B. Parasitic

C. Systemic

D. Viral

Select your answer:


Cardiovascular Diseases Diabetes Lipid Metabolism Effect of Exercise on Cardio Respiratory System & Muscular Health-Wellness-Illness Circulation and Excretion Who am Eye? Homeostasis, Nutrition, Digestion & Absorption Respiratory Diseases Therapeutic Services Roots Histology of the Ear Health - Nutrition Central and Peripheral Nervous System Pain Management Source of Food

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How does the virus pass from person to person?

A. Through the air

B. Skin contact

C. Through blood

D. In food

Introduction to Kinesiology › View

Kinesiology’s benefits are ?

A. It improves the ability of physical therapists to evaluate the effect of therapeutic exercises

B. It improves the ability of physical therapists to evaluate the activities on the human structure as there is a structure-function relationship.

C. To design and conduct programs to enhance individual movement skills.

D. All of the above