Medical Quiz

Excretory System Quiz

What are the two different types of dialysis?

A. Hemodialysis (HD) and peritoneal dialysis (PD)

B. Hemodialysis and chronic kidney dialysis

C. Peritoneal dialysis and kidney disease dialysis

D. None of the above

Select your answer:


Enzymes Acute Responses to Exercise Diet Stimuli and Responses in Humans Diseases & Disorders Eye Histology Food Micro Immunology Histology of Nervous and Muscle Tissues Histology Adaptive Immune System Environment Renal Vision and Hearing Defects Lymphatic System

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Genetic Diseases › View

Which disease is caused by the absence of an enzyme that breaks down fatty substances, and kills children due to the buildup of fats to toxic levels

A. Turners syndrome

B. Cystic fibrosis

C. Alzheimers disease

D. Tay sachs

Circulation and Excretion › View

The muscular tubes which take the urine from the kidneys to the bladder are

A. Urethras

B. Urinary bladders

C. Nephrons

D. Ureters