Medical Quiz

Genetics Quiz

Which condition is expressed by the Punnett Square?

A. Codominance

B. Heterozygous Dominance

C. Homozygous Dominance

D. Incomplete Dominance

Select your answer:


Pathogens Blood and Hematology IV Therapy and Blood Transfusion Molecular Genetics Common Diseases in Human Beings Anatomical Terminology Anatomy Bones Blood and Bones Cells Health & Wellness Vocabulary Healthy Living Human Genome and Bioethics Review Biochemistry Lab Circulatory & Respiratory System Cardiovascular Diseases

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What gender of offspring are most often affected by sex-linked inheritance? What gender are usually carriers of the trait?
A. males, males
B. females, males
C. males, females
D. females, females

History of Medicine › View

small pox vaccine, bi- focal, and mercury thermometer invented

A. 16th century

B. 17th century

C. 18th century

D. 19th century