Medical Quiz

Life Processes Quiz

They give us energy. They are in butter, oil and cheese.

A. protein

B. fats

C. fibre

D. carbohydrates

Select your answer:


Anatomy - Cellular Respiration Prehabilitation and Conditioning Musculoskeletal Diseases Safety Terms Embryology Innate Immunity Histology Immunology: T cell Development Pulmonary System Virus, Bacteria, Immunity Biochemistry Lab Life Processes Immunity in Humans Health issue related to immune system Bone Development and Remodeling

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which one could be a symptom of C.O.P.D ?

A. hallucinations 

B. dizziness

C. shortness of breath 

D. Chronic ache 

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If you want to make a 1:20 dilution from a 1:5, which dilution factor would be appropriate?

A. 2

B. 4

C. 5

D. 3