Medical Quiz

Pathology of Respiratory System Quiz

which one could be a symptom of C.O.P.D ?

A. hallucinations 

B. dizziness

C. shortness of breath 

D. Chronic ache 

Select your answer:


My Teeth Division of Microbiology Diabetes Mellitus Nursing Vocabulary Maximal Oxygen Consumption (VO2 Max) Neurological Concepts Hemodynamics Fats And Oil Physical Skin Prehabilitation and Conditioning Sexual Reproduction The Teeth The Musculoskeletal System Meiosis and intro to Genetics

Other quiz:

Thyroid Gland › View

What does hyperthyroidism mean ?

A. The thyroid gland is underactive

B. The thyroid gland is overactive

C. The thyroid gland reduces blood pressure

Human Organs › View

This system transports oxygen, nutrients, and wastes and collects fluid lost from blood vessels and returns it to the bloodstream.
A. circulatory
B. respiratory
C. skeletal
D. digestive