Medical Quiz

Phlebotomy Medical Terminology Quiz

A hole made by boring or piercing; an opening passing through or into something.

A. Lumen

B. Invasive

C. Insertion

D. Perforation

Select your answer:


Haematology CP A&P: Cardiovascular PHYSIOLOGY OF KIDNEY Musculoskeletal Disorders Osteoporosis Immunity & Cancer BMS Cell Cycle and Cancer Alzheimer Disease Microbial Growth Children Well-being Prehabilitation and Conditioning Cell Transport Human Urinary System Fainting and Nosebleed Pulmonology

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Angiotensin ll stimulates:

A. Renin

B. Aldosterone

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The body makes chemicals that can help to destroy harmful viruses and bacteria. These chemicals are called

A. antibodies

B. vaccines

C. hormones

D. antibiotics