Medical Quiz

Microbio (Viruses) Quiz

A cell expressing heparan sulfate is vulnerable to infection by…

A. Adenovirus

B. Herpes simplex virus

C. Rabies virus

D. Mouse norovirus

Select your answer:


Warm up Pancreas Major Nutrients Heredity Arteries Cardiovascular System Terminology Name that Pathogen The Ear Enzymes and Movement of Substances Asexual Reproduction Muscular System Movements Muscle Histology Physiology Pathology Protein and Amino Acid Metabolism Asexual/Sexual Reproduction

Other quiz:

Enzymes › View

What is enzyme-substrate specificity?

A. Enzymes can only bind to one specific substrate

B. Enzymes can bind to multiple substrates

C. Enzymes can bind to any molecule in the reaction

D. Enzymes can only bind to inorganic catalysts

Bacteria and Viruses › View

Can a virus be cured with antibiotics?

A. yes

B. no