Medical Quiz

Integumentary System Quiz

The substance produced by the skin that helps to prevent skin cancer by blocking UV rays from damaging DNA is

A. sebum

B. adipose

C. keratin

D. melanin

Select your answer:


Integumentary and Musculoskeletal System Molecular Biology Sarcomere Anatomy Diabetes Pathophysiology Renal, Cancer, HIV Tenses Lifetime Wellness Musculoskeletal Disorders Nutrition In Animal Blood Hele Skeletal System Cholera Radiography Health Issues and Concerns Bacteria, Viruses, Protozoa Fungi

Other quiz:

Cells › View

What is the function of the cell wall?

A. Controls the movement of substances going into and out of the cell.

B. Controls the activities of the cell.

C. Supports the cell and gives it a regular shape.

D. Traps light for the cell to make food

Dermatology Vocabulary › View

The combining form ungu/o- means ________.

A. “oil gland; sweat gland”

B. “skin”

C. “fingernail; toenail”

D. “dermis”