★ Muscle Tissue Quiz
This disorder is characterized by a shortening of the muscle, not caused by nervous stimulation.
A. Contracture
B. Fibromyalgia
C. Muscular Dystrophy
D. Myasthenia gravis
Select your answer:
Contemporary Nutrition Issues Cell Bio Medical Terminology Prefixes Cells, Tissues and Organs Bacteria, Viruses, Protozoa Fungi Bacteriology Carbohydrates, Proteins and Lipids Careers in Health Care Cell Cycle EMR Pathophysiology Respiration in Organisms Anatomical Terminology AEMT EMS Systems IV Therapy and Blood Transfusion Skin DiseasesOther quiz:
Psychiatry › ViewFor several months, a 32-year-old housewife has been unable to leave her house unaccompanied. When she tries to go out alone, she is overwhelmed by anxiety and fears that something terrible will happen to her and nobody will be there to help. What is the most likely diagnosis?
A. Agoraphobia
B. Adjustment disorder
C. Obsessive-compulsive disorder
D. Panic disorder
Nutrition › View
A reaction to certain foods is called a food________
A. fact
B. allergy
C. simulation
D. aversion