Medical Quiz

Muscle Anatomy Quiz

What is released by axon terminals into the synaptic cleft to stimulate a muscle to contract?

A. sodium ions

B. acetylcholine

C. actin

D. myosin heads

Select your answer:


Anatomy - Cellular Respiration World Health Day Energy, Hydrology, Microbiology Dental Caries The Circulatory System Health and The Environment Genetic Engineering Nutrition and Calorific Value Homeostasis - Vision Correction Bacterial Growth Hearing Impairment Receptors Abnormal Psychology; Assessment and Diagnosis Tracheostomy Care Properties of The Hair and Scalp

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Normal hair contains percent of the element oxygen.

A. 6

B. 17

C. 21

D. 51

Circulatory System › View

What is the main function of the artery?
A. It controls your brain and your thought process.
B. They carry oxygen- poor blood BACK to the heart.
C. Arteries carry oxygen- rich blood AWAY from the heart.
D. It receives information (senses) and sends messages to the body about how to react to things.