Medical Quiz

Neurology Quiz

which of the following pairs is mismatched?

A. Frontal lobe – most anterior part of cerebrum

B. Temporal lobe – controls hearing and smell

C. Parietal lobe – controls vision

D. Occipital lobe – most posterior portion of cerebrum

Select your answer:


Prokaryotic Cells and Viruses Dental Specialties Glucose in the Body Immunisation Skeletal Muscle Anatomy Hospital Wards and Departments Central and Peripheral Nervous System Cell Injury CPR Endodontic Surgery Immunology and Serology ESR (RBC sed rate) Tib/Fib, Knee and Femur Protozoan Diseases Biochemistry/Cells

Other quiz:

EM Spectrum › View

EM wave is ……

A. transverse wave

B. longitudinal wave

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A. a threat or danger

B. forced to move homes, usually because of war and disaster

C. an attack before an enemy attacks you

D. causing angry or violent feelings