★ Hematology Quiz
The advantage of a core biopsy bone marrow sample over an aspirate is that the core biopsy specimen:
A. represents all cell types
B. no decalcification needed
C. fast
D. quantitation of cell type differential count
Select your answer:
Properties of The Hair and Scalp Cosmetology Anatomy Homeostasis - Vision Correction EMS Systems Living Organisms & Animal Behaviors Fluid and Electrolytes Life Processes - Digestion and Respiration Health-Wellness-Illness Oral Surgery Psoriasis Perioperative Nursing Care Personal Growth Plan Introduction to Kinesiology Lifetime Wellness Nutrition in Humans and AnimalsOther quiz:
Nervous System › ViewPart of the neuron that takes signals away from the cell body
A. cell body
B. axon
C. dendrite
D. synapse
DNA Structure, Replication, Proteins › View
What molecule is substituted in place of thymine during transcription?
A. Adenine
B. Guanine
C. Cytosine
D. Uracil