Medical Quiz

Body System Interactions Quiz

What 2 systems: Diaphragm controls breathing

A. Circulatory and Endocrine

B. Respiratory and Muscular

C. Muscular and Skeletal

D. Circulatory and Respiratory

Select your answer:


Nail Enhancement Musculoskeletal Injuries SCI CH2-1 Respiration Cancer & Cell Cycle Nervous System/Endocrine System Cell and Muscle Histology Diabetes Mellitus SSTI and Bone Infections Iron Kinetics Bacterial Growth and Culturing Conditions Human Body and Pathogens Cell Structure and Function Cardiorespiratory System Macronutrients & Micronutrients

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A. flexion

B. extension

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D. adduction

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Fatigue, Headaches, Constipation, Dry Skin, are symptoms of:

A. High Blood Sugar

B. Low Blood Sugar

C. Dehydration

D. Anemia