Medical Quiz

Body System Interactions Quiz

How does the Circulatory System help the Muscular System?

A. Protects muscles

B. Sends messages to the muscles to contract

C. Brings oxygen into the body

D. Delivers nutrients and oxygen to muscle tissue

Select your answer:


Eye CLPT, M.Pharmacy, Pharmaceutics; Regulatory Affairs Sense of Sight Vision & Hearing The Skeletal System Fluid Therapy Dimensions of Wellness SPED Law-lympics Common Diseases in Human Beings Human Anatomy and Physiology - Types of Tissues Food and Nutrition Children Well-being Vision (AP Psych) Blood/Lymphatic/Immune The Chemistry of Microbiology

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Which of the following is the benefit for participating in physical activity regularly?

A. Improve cardiorespiratory endurance

B. increase the chance of injury

C. increase body fat

D. increase cardiovascular diseases

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Rough endoplasmic reticulum has ribosomes.