Medical Quiz

Human Health Quiz

Chill and high fever recurring every 3-4 hours in a patient. Which of the following statement related to this event is incorrect?

A. Release of Haemozoin causes chill and fever

B. Rupture of RBC is associated with release of haemozoin

C. parasites initially multiply in liver cells then attack red blood cells

D. the disease is Typhoid

Select your answer:


Bacteria and Viruses Patho_Genetics MEDICINE Counseling: Fact or Myth? Biochemistry: Carbohydrates and Lipids HCMA - Hematology Erythrocyte Disorders Disabilities Nutrition Lipid Water Macromolecules Skeletal System Excretory System Medicinal use of Microorganisims Cardiorespiratory Endurance Nervous and Endocrine System

Other quiz:

Pathology › View

“The tissue is in a liquid form and sometimes creamy yellow because of pus formation” refers to the gross appearance of?

A. Liquefactive Necrosis

B. Caseous Necrosis

C. Fibrinoid Necrosis

D. Coagulative Necrosis

Disease and Conditions Skeletal System › View

A Podiatrist would see you as a patient if you had an injured_______________.

A. hand

B. knee

C. foot

D. back