Medical Quiz

Healthcare Systems and Settings Quiz

What is the definition of work ethic?

A. Work ethic is a belief that hard work and diligence have a moral benefit and an inherent ability, virtue or value to strengthen character and individual abilities

B. Work ethic is a rules of working designed by the company

C. Work ethic is a set of culture

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Disease Cards Trauma The Brain Our Control Center Biodiversity DNA and RNA Structures Cell Psychology Vocabulary Pulse Stem Cells & Cell Differentiation Germs & Diseases Serology/Blood Typing Medical Terminology Vocabulary MEDICINE Breathing ...Respiration

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The liquid part of blood made of mostly water; nutrients, minerals and oxygen are dissolved

A. Marrow

B. Plasma

C. Proteins

D. Urea

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This macromolecule is seen as insulation in animal tissue (otherwords known as fat)

A. Carbohydrates

B. Lipids

C. Nucleic Acids

D. Proteins