★ Cell Bio Quiz
The smooth ER…
A. makes proteins, ribosomes, and amino acids
B. makes energy, sugar, and ATP
C. makes lipids, carbohydrates, and hormones
D. makes DNA, RNA, and cellulose
Select your answer:
Linked Gene Vision (AP Psych) HFT Vitamins Cardiac & Diseases of Blood Flow Inflammation and Tissue Repair Communicable Disease Mnt For Pulmonary Disease and Adverse Reactions to Food Health and The Environment EMR Pathophysiology Carbohydrates and Proteins First Aid Cardiorespiratory Endurance 5 Major Food Groups Nucleic Acids Human Body and PathogensOther quiz:
Muscular System NCHSE › ViewThe tough, sheet like membrane that covers and protects muscle is:
A. fascia
B. a ligament
C. a tendon
D. periosteum
Compact Bone › View
Identify B:
A. lamella
B. spongy bone
C. periosteum
D. osteon