Medical Quiz

SPED Law-lympics Quiz

Someone is in need of a BIP, but what is it?

A. Behavioral Individualized Plan

B. Basic Instruction Plan

C. Benchmarks for Individualized Plan

D. Behavioral Intervention Plan

Select your answer:


Anatomy Atoms and Radioactivity Healthcare Delivery Systems and Insurance Medicinal use of Microorganisims Genetics Vocabulary Muscular System NCHSE Alzheimer Disease and Dementia Adaptive Immune System Health Unit Coordinating Transportation Personal Growth Plan World Health Day Diseases & Disorders Heredity Hematology in Veterinary Medicine

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A characteristic, such as red-green color blindness, controlled by genes usually on the X chromosome

A. simple dominance

B. sex-linked trait

C. co-dominance

D. incomplete dominance

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Lucy was doing activities of daily living. Suddenly, she felt her rhythm of the heart is beating rapidly and Irregularly. What disease she is suffering from ?

A. Fibrillation

B. Aneurysm