Medical Quiz

Lifetime Wellness Quiz

Which statement about weight control is false?

A. Exercise helps people to control their weight by burning calories.

B. To lose weight, people need to burn more calories than they consume each day

C. People burn calories at different rates depending on their metabolism

D. Weight control is the primary benefit of excerise

Select your answer:


Blood & Blood Vessels Medical Careers Cell Structure and Function Microbio (Viruses) Joints Diseases Chest, Back, Abs Nutrition In Animal Forensics: Blood Human Anatomy and Physiology - Types of Tissues Pathology Personal Growth Plan The Nervous System Movement Lipids

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DNA & Types of Reproduction › View

A paramecium is a single celled organism that reproduces by splitting in half to become two new cells. Based on this information, what type of reproduction is this?

A. sexual reproduction

B. asexual reproduction (budding)

C. asexual reproduction (binary fission)

Absorption, Lymphatic System, and Blood Vessels › View

Interstitial fluid is collected by………

A. Blood capillaries

B. Lymphatic capillaries

C. Nerve cells

D. The thymus