Medical Quiz

Lung & Breathing Quiz

When we breathe in, our lungs get

A. Bigger

B. Smaller

Select your answer:


Fats and Coronary Heart Disease Health - Nutrition Health Related Fitness Medical Suffixes Non-Communicable Disease Human Anatomy and Physiology - Types of Tissues Cardiovascular System Anatomy Chemistry Health issue related to immune system Laboratory Careers Bacterial Growth Macromolecules Molecular Biology Diseases & Disorders Uses of Radioactive Radiation

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The ability or tendency of a living organism, cell, or group to keep the conditions inside it the same despite any changes in the conditions around it, or this state of internal balance:

A. Homeostasis

B. Health

C. Wellness

D. Nutrition

Respiratory › View

A patient with a tracheostomy should always have what items at bedside

A. glass of water

B. obturator

C. spare trach

D. B and C