Medical Quiz

Topics: Vision & Hearing Quiz

Which vegetable is high in Vitamin A?

A. cauliflower

B. carrots

C. brussel sprouts

D. radish

Select your answer:


Disease Cards Central and Peripheral Nervous System Orthopaedic Neurology Stress and Mental Health Med Term Musculoskeletal Respiration, Immune System, Blood Cells Circulatory System - Pathway of Blood Pathology Physical Fitness Components Salmonella vs E.coli Blood and Hematology Components of Food Urinalysis/ Immunology Make up Human Physiology Thrombosis, Emboliya

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Oxygenation › View

Nurse Kelly is watching a Phlebotomist taking blood of a patient who is up for Arterial blood gas studies. Which of the following information would indicate that Nurse Kelly knows that a correct sample was taken if which of the following happens?

A. The phlebotomist aspirated dark blue colored blood

B. The phlebotomist aspirated bright red colored blood

C. The phlebotomist aspirated bright red colored blood

D. The phlebotomist got blood from the IV cannula of the patient

Body Systems › View

Which type of blood vessel has a one cell thick wall?

A. Artery

B. Vein

C. Capillary