Topics: Transport System in Man Quiz
What is a major organ used in the circulatory system?
A. Lungs
B. Kidneys
C. Liver
D. Heart
Select your answer:
Parathyroid Gland Pharmacology Calculations Entomology History of Healthcare Cardiac & Diseases of Blood Flow Nutrients in Food Vaccines Biotherapeutics & Cellular Meat Organisms Cell Diversity - Organization, Tissues, Plants and Animals Cellular Respiration Enzymes and Their Functions Asexual/Sexual Reproduction Obesity Who am Eye? Blood Pressure and Blood VesselsOther quiz:
Deficiency Diseases › ViewName the disease
A. Rickets
B. Osteoporsis
C. Obesity
Immunity & Cancer › View
Which of the following immunoglobulins constitute the largest percentage in human milk?
A. IgM
B. IgG
C. IgM
D. IgA