Medical Quiz

Topics: Tissues Quiz

The matrix of cartilage has a delicate network of collagen fibres and _______ :-

A. Elastin fibres

B. Lacunae

C. Chondrocytes

D. Canaliculi

Select your answer:


AEMT EMS Systems Nutrition Diversity Diseases Communicable or non Communicable Biotechnology DNA Replication Body Systems and Medical Sciences Anatomy and Histology Muscle Tissue Gene Expression Enzymes and Digestion Patho_Genetics Viruses and Prions History of Psychology Hazards & Risks

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Handwashing should be performed before and after:

A. direct patient contact

B. touching an environmental surface

C. passing each meal tray

D. handling clean linen

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Mosquitos, Butterflies and some other insects live on

A. Liquid Food

B. Blood

C. Water