Medical Quiz

Topics: Human Genome and Bioethics Review Quiz

The best description of a GMO is _____.

A. Hybrid species.

B. Natural organisms.

C. Artificially manipulated species.

D. Healthiest species.

Select your answer:


Healthcare Systems and Insurance Careers in Health Care CLPT, M.Pharmacy, Pharmaceutics; Regulatory Affairs Organ Systems Medicine on the Western Front History of Healthcare Child Growth and Development Components of Blood Eye Physiology Nature of Science Macromolecules Respiratory System Uses of Radioactive Radiation Food for Thought Diseases of The Body Systems

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Avery added an enzyme known to break down and destroy DNA to his heat killed S-strain bacteria, and saw that the R-strain bacteria were ____________________

A. still transformed, and killed the mice.

B. no longer transformed, and the mice lived

C. partially transformed, and the mice got sick but survived.

D. still transformed, but no longer killed the mice

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What does “atherectomy” involve?

A. Surgical repair of a blood vessel

B. Inflammation of the heart lining

C. Removal of plaque from an artery

D. Blood clots blocking the blood vessels