Medical Quiz

Division of Microbiology Quiz


Study of those microorganisms that have the same characters as their parents

A. Generation microbiology

B. Phylogeny

C. Nano microbiology

Study of microbial diversity and genetic relationships.

A. Generation microbiology

B. Microbial taxonomy

C. Microbial systematics

Study of the genetic relationships between different organisms.

A. Nano microbiology

B. Predictive microbiology

C. Phylogeny

Organisms are thoroughly investigated.

A. Taxonomy microbiology

B. Applied microbiology

C. Pure microbiology

Quantification of relations between controlling factors in foods and responses of pathogenic and spoilage microorganisms using mathematical modelling.

A. Predictive microbiology

B. Medical microbiology

C. Nano microbiology

Study of microbial evolution.

A. Evolutionary microbiology

B. Evolution microbiology.

C. Voluntary Microbiology

Reveals how pathogenic microorganism interacts with host cells in what is turning out to be a complex evolutionary battle of competing gene products.

A. Evolutionary microbiology

B. Cellular microbiology

C. Predictive microbiology

Study of the interactions between microorganisms and plants and plant pathogens.

A. Agriculture

B. Soil microbiology

C. Plant microbiology and Plant pathology

Bridge systems biology and microbiology.

A. Systems microbiology

B. Microbial taxonomy

C. Applied Microbiology

Are all parasites microorganisms?



Study of nematodes (roundworms).

A. Nematology

B. Parasitology

C. Zoology

Study of those microorganisms that are found in soil.

A. Land microbiology

B. Soil microbiology

C. Farm microbiology

Protozoology is the study of protozoa.



Manipulation of microorganisms at the genetic and molecular level to generate useful products.

A. Microbial biotechnology

B. Environmental microbiology

C. Veterinary microbiology

Study of bacteria is called Bacteriology.




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