Medical Quiz

Topics: Disease Cards Quiz

Helminith means:

A. worm

B. prion

C. bacterial infection

D. virus

Select your answer:


Nail Diseases and Disorders Enzyme Psychology Population Ecology Asexual Reproduction Excretion Disabilities Viruses and Prions Tongue and Skin Medical, Legal, and Ethical Issues Breathing ...Respiration Lung & Breathing Autism Awareness Principles of Microbiology Respiration, Immune System, Blood Cells

Other quiz:

History of Medicine › View

What is the importance of the discovery of anesthesia?

A. The discovery of anesthesia is important because it revolutionized medicine by allowing for painless surgeries and reducing patient suffering.

B. Anesthesia is only used for minor procedures and is not important

C. Anesthesia was discovered by accident and has no real significance

D. The discovery of anesthesia had no impact on the field of medicine

Biology › View

If a solution has a pH of 8.5, it is ___.

A. acidic

B. basic