Medical Quiz

Topics: Central Nervous System Quiz

Occipital Lobes are responsible for: 

A. balance

B. vision

C. hearing

D. movement

Select your answer:


Epithelial Lifetime Wellness Nutrition In Animal 3M Micropara Ankle, Foot, & LL - Injuries Cell Review Germs Blood Pressure Population Ecology Enzymes and Digestion My Teeth Body Cell Structure and Functions Gastroenterology Nursing Infection Detection

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Pulmonology › View

The medical abbreviations NPO, GERD, and NGT are used in relation to which body system?

A. Itegumentary

B. Gastrointestinal

C. Endocrine

D. Reproductive

E. Urinary

Histology of Nervous and Muscle Tissues › View

The characteristics of the smooth muscle EXCEPT:

A. It is composed of spindle-shaped smooth muscle cells.

B. Nucleus is at the periphery.

C. Smooth muscle cells are not striated.

D. It helps to move food through the digestive tract.