Medical Quiz

Heart Structure and Double Circulation Quiz


What carries the oxygenated blood from the lungs to the left atrium of the heart?

A. vena cava 

B. aorta

C. pulmonary vein

D. pulmonary artery

This type of blood cell is responsible for fighting disease.

A. red blood cell

B. plasma

C. white blood cell

Exchanges between blood and tissue cells occur in capillary beds.



Which one correctly shows the route a red blood cell takes through the heart

A. vena cava – left atrium – left ventricle – pulmonary artery – lungs -pulmonary veins – right atrium – right ventricle – aorta

B. vena cava – right atrium – right ventricle – pulmonary veins – lungs -pulmonary artery – left atrium – left ventricle – aorta

C. vena cava – right atrium – right ventricle – pulmonary artery – lungs -pulmonary veins – left atrium – left ventricle – aorta

D. pulmonary artery- right atrium – right ventricle – pulmonary vein – lungs -vena cava – left atrium – left ventricle – aorta

These are the oxygen carrying cells of the blood.

A. red blood cells

B. plasma

C. white blood cells

Select the organism with the heart as shown in the diagram.

A. Insect

B. Fish

C. Frog

D. Human

Which one correctly describes a vein?

A. Low blood pressure, large lumen, valves present

B. Low blood pressure, small lumen, valves present

C. Low blood pressure, small lumen, valves absent

D. High blood pressure, large lumen, valves absent

The two superior receiving chambers of the heart are known as the _________

A. atria

B. ventricles

Pumps the oxygen-rich blood to all parts of the body

A. Right Ventricle

B. Left Ventricle

C. Right Atrium

D. Left Atrium

2 atria, 1 ventricle
Which animal has the above heart structure?

A. Insect

B. Fish

C. Amphibian

D. Human

Arteries are normally depicted as red while veins are colored blue.  The exceptions to this rule are the _______ arteries and veins.

A. systemic

B. hepatic

C. coronary

D. pulmonary

The valves between the atria and ventricles are known as the ________ valves.

A. atrioventricular

B. aortic

C. semilunar

D. pulmonary

This is the thickest of the blood vessels. It leads away from the heart.

A. veins

B. capillaries

C. arteries

Carries the blood from the ventricle to the body

A. Aorta

B. Atrium

C. Valve

D. Septum

Receives blood from the body that is low in oxygen and high in carbon dioxide

A. Right Atrium

B. Right Ventricle

C. Left Atrium

D. Left Ventricle

Select the organism with the heart as shown in the diagram.

A. Insect

B. Fish

C. Frog

D. Human

Pumps oxygen-poor blood to the lungs

A. Right Ventricle

B. Right Atrium

C. Left Ventricle

D. Left Atrium

When the ventricles contract, the bicuspid (mitral) valve prevents blood from flowing from the ________.

A. right ventricle to right atrium

B. left ventricle to left atrium

C. left atrium to the right atrium

D. right atrium to the left atrium

This type of blood vessel is the thinnest and allows for the transfer of nutrients and oxygen to the cells of the body.

A. veins

B. capillaries

C. arteries

The most muscular chamber of the heart is the 

A. left ventricle

B. left atrium

C. right atrium

D. right ventricle

Large blood vessels that carry blood away from the heart are called:

A. arteries

B. capillaries

C. veins

D. venae cavae

Which has valves, arteries or veins?

A. Arteries

B. Veins

Select the organism with the heart as shown in the diagram.

A. Insect

B. Fish

C. Frog

D. Human

Pulmonary circulation involves blood flow to and from the heart and the _______.

A. body

B. digestive organs

C. brain

D. lungs

This is the straw colored liquid portion of the blood that carries dissolved nutrients.

A. red blood cells

B. plasma

C. white blood cells


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