Medical Quiz

Cardiovascular Med Terms Quiz


If a patient is diagnosed with tachycardia, then their heart rate is too _____________.

A. fast

B. slow

Lack of red blood cells is referred to as:

A. anemia

B. atherosclerosis

If gram means image, then an angiogram would be an image of the:

A. heart

B. blood vessels

The med term angi/o means:

A. blood vessel

B. artery

C. vein

D. aorta

Leukocytes are also known as:

A. red blood cells

B. white blood cells

C. platelets

A build up of plaque in the arteries is known as:

A. anemia

B. atherosclerosis

The med term card/i means:

A. plasma

B. blood

C. vein

D. heart

Erythrocytes are also known as:

A. red blood cells

B. white blood cells

C. platelets

The med term arteri/o means:

A. blood vessel

B. artery

C. vein

D. aorta

If otomy means incision, then phlebotomy means cutting into which structure?

A. vein

B. artery

The med term hemat/o means:

A. plasma

B. blood

C. vein

D. heart

If a patient is diagnosed with bradycardia, then their heart rate is too _____________.

A. fast

B. slow

The med term phleb means:

A. blood vessel

B. artery

C. vein

D. aorta

The med term aort/o means:

A. blood vessel

B. artery

C. vein

D. aorta

If ology means the study of, then cardiology would be the study of the:

A. heart

B. blood vessels


Digestion and Microbes Maximal Oxygen Consumption (VO2 Max) Deficiency Diseases Fluid Therapy Digestive System Medical Terminology Malaria Warm up Hair Evidence Radiology Infection Control The Skeletal System Blood Pressure and Blood Vessels Bacteria and Protist Review Integumentary System: Skin Disorder Cell Cycle Medical Nursing