Cardiovascular Med Terms Quiz
If a patient is diagnosed with tachycardia, then their heart rate is too _____________.
A. fast
B. slow
Lack of red blood cells is referred to as:
A. anemia
B. atherosclerosis
If gram means image, then an angiogram would be an image of the:
A. heart
B. blood vessels
The med term angi/o means:
A. blood vessel
B. artery
C. vein
D. aorta
Leukocytes are also known as:
A. red blood cells
B. white blood cells
C. platelets
A build up of plaque in the arteries is known as:
A. anemia
B. atherosclerosis
The med term card/i means:
A. plasma
B. blood
C. vein
D. heart
Erythrocytes are also known as:
A. red blood cells
B. white blood cells
C. platelets
The med term arteri/o means:
A. blood vessel
B. artery
C. vein
D. aorta
If otomy means incision, then phlebotomy means cutting into which structure?
A. vein
B. artery
The med term hemat/o means:
A. plasma
B. blood
C. vein
D. heart
If a patient is diagnosed with bradycardia, then their heart rate is too _____________.
A. fast
B. slow
The med term phleb means:
A. blood vessel
B. artery
C. vein
D. aorta
The med term aort/o means:
A. blood vessel
B. artery
C. vein
D. aorta
If ology means the study of, then cardiology would be the study of the:
A. heart
B. blood vessels