Cardiovascular Adaptation Refresher Quiz
What does a Psphygmomanometer measure?
A. Heart Rate
B. Respiration Rate
C. Blood Glucose
D. Blood Pressure
What does ‘AV Block’ look like on an ECG?
A. QT Prolongation
B. T wave is missing
C. Prolonged P wave
D. irregular/fast heart rate
What is the correct formula to calculate ‘cardiac output’ ?
A. heart rate x stroke volume
B. stroke volume x respiration rate
C. heart rate x respiration rate
D. Tidal volume x stroke volume
Endurance training results in little or no increase in oxygen uptake.
What is the ‘typical’ cardiac output for a human athlete at rest?
A. 40 L/min
B. 5 L/min
C. 80 L/min
D. 1 L/min
What does HRR stand for?
A. Heart rate resting
B. Heart rate recovery
C. Heart rate reloaded
D. Heart rate relative
What is Q̇ used to denote ?
A. Tidal Volume
B. Stroke Volume
C. Pulmonary Resistance
D. Cardiac Output
What HR zone would be 60-70% of a persons maximum heart rate?
A. Zone 1
B. Zone 2
C. Zone 3
D. Zone 4
E. Zone 5
What is the correct term for the definition: ‘maximum pressure in arteries during LV Contraction’
A. Systole
B. Diastole
A normal, healthy heart will demonstrate variability in it’s rhythm
Strength training causes a substantial increase in oxygen output.
What is Hypervolaemia?
A. increased plasma volume
B. increased red blood cells
C. Increased capillaries
D. increased veins
What is the ‘typical’ stroke volume for an equine athlete at rest?
A. 50ml
B. 500ml
C. 1-2 Litres
D. 10 Litres
Can Vo2MAX be increased using a training/exercise programme ?
A. Yes
B. No
What is the most accurate way to measure the blood pressure of a horse?
A. Doppler Ultrasound
B. Sphygmomanometer
C. Arterial Catheterisation