Topics: Cardiorespiratory or Vascular Systems Quiz
What is the definition of heart rate?
A. The amount of blood pumped out of the heart per minute.
B. The number of times your heart beats, or contracts, per minute.
C. A measure of how much blood is squeezed out of the heart into the aorta each time it beats.
D. The pressure of blood against the walls of the arteries.
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Transportation Pathophysiology - Inflammation BIOMEDICAL MCQ Ecology Body Systems Diversity Blood Pathology Receptors Human Organ System Mechanical Digestion Physical Fitness Components Phlebotomy Medical Terminology Branches of Medicine Cell Bio World Health DayOther quiz:
Genetics › View Name the phase:
A. Prophase
B. Anaphase
C. Metaphase
D. Telophase
Chronic Diseases › View
What are two other terms for chronic diseases?
A. Degenerative & Contagious
B. Infectious & Contagious
C. Infectious & Progressive
D. Degenerative & Progressive