Medical Quiz

Topics: Brain, Neurons and The Nervous System Quiz

Functions include initiating voluntary movement, working memory, personality, and higher cognitive functions such as decision-making and judgment.

A. Frontal lobe

B. Parietal lobe

C. Occipital lobe

D. Temporal lobe

Select your answer:


Med Term Musculoskeletal Physical Fitness Components Myocarditis Musculoskeletal/Endocrine Systems Food and Nutrition Protein Synthesis Enzymes Principles of Microbiology Respiratory and Circulatory Thyroid Gland Microbiology Renal System - Pharmacology Biochemistry of Diabetes Movement Anatomical Terminology Molecular Genetics

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Common Respiratoty Diseases › View

Means the infection is spreading in your body and if your lungs are infected, you can spread the disease to others.

A. latent tb

B. active tb

Major Nutrients › View

Which of thenfollowing group of foods are rice in protein?

A. Milk, meat, cheese

B. Fatty fish, seeds, avocados

C. Fruits and vegetables