Medical Quiz

Blood Donation Quiz


How often can a person donate blood in ireland?

A. every 35 days

B. every 90 days

C. every 180 days

Blood can be broken down into how many component parts?

A. 2

B. 4

C. 8

What treatments/ illnesses best describe what hospitals might use blood for most, when they transfuse the patient?

A. cancer, anaemia and blood disorders

B. cardiac heart and emergency surgery

C. maternity and childbirth treaTMENTS

What percentage of the eligible population are active blood donors?

A. 30%

B. 13%

C. 3%

How mush blood is taken during a blood donation?

A. approx 100mls

B. approx 500ml

C. approx 1 Litre

Donors must fast before giving blood. True/false



What is the most common blood group in ireland?

A. O positive

B. A POsitive

C. B Positive

On average how many lives can be saved with a single blood donation

A. 1

B. 2

C. 3

Do blood donors get paid for giving blood?

A. Yes

B. No

What red cell blood group can be given to all patients? (The universal donor)

A. A negative

B. AB negative

C. O negative

What percentage of the weight of the typical human body is made up of blood?

A. approx. 70%

B. approx. 7 %

C. approx 0.7%

How long must you wait after getting a tattoo before you can give blood?

A. 4 months

B. 12 months

C. never donate

You must be over 18 to give blood



What is the maximum number of days blood can be used after its collection?

A. 35 days

B. 18 days

C. 90 days

How many units (1 unit=500ml) of blood are needed every week?

A. 300

B. 3000

C. 4500


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